Reflecting on 2023
In 2023, CGIAR Research Initiatives continued to advance their commitment to adaptive management, employing the Report-Reflect-Replan cycle as a foundational component of the CGIAR Technical Reporting Arrangement for the second time. The Report-Reflect-Replan cycle in CGIAR is a structured annual process that allows Initiatives to report on past performances, reflect on lessons learned to adapt strategies, and replan future activities to enhance impact and responsiveness to evolving research and development needs. This year's cycle was instrumental in enabling Initiatives, SGPs, and Impact Platforms to systematically evaluate their progress, adapt to shifting conditions, and refine their strategies to better align with evolving research and development needs.
The adaptive management process at CGIAR is a strategic tool that catalyzes continuous improvement across CGIAR’s Portfolio. It involves a rigorous assessment of Initiatives and their environments, leading to actionable insights that drive more targeted and efficient research outcomes. Annual reports, which detail activities, outcomes, and strategic adaptations of each Initiative, incorporate these insights to provide a comprehensive overview of annual progress. One section in these reports encapsulates the essence of adaptive management of each Initiative, SGP and Impact Platform by providing recommendations and a rationale of how key challenges may be addressed and opportunities may be leveraged in the coming year.
In 2023, a total of 32 Initiatives, two SGPs and four Impact Platforms, actively participated in this adaptive management process by providing reflections and strategies that reveal a collective commitment to learning and optimization in their annual Technical Reports. In total, 175 adaptive management recommendations were made in 2023 – an average of 4.6 recommendations per Initiative/Impact Platform/SGP.
Among the key recommendations emerging from the 2023 analysis were:
Streamline research focus and scale impact
As a reaction to reduced or shifting budgets, strategic adjustments were recommended to narrow research scopes to focus on priority areas and develop mechanisms to scale impactful innovations. Twenty-three Initiatives, two Impact Platforms and the two SGPs mentioned this adaptive management recommendation (71 percent of Initiatives/Impact Platforms/SGPs).
Enhance partnerships and stakeholder engagement
Numerous recommendations referred to increasing efforts toward strengthening partnerships and stakeholder relationships, ensuring responsible scaling of research outputs, leading to greater impact. Fifteen Initiatives and one Impact Platform made this adaptive management recommendation (42 percent of Initiatives/Impact Platforms/SGPs.
Optimize technological integration
Some Initiatives recommended the integration of advanced technological tools and systems to enhance real-time data management and decision-making processes in research. Seven Initiatives and the two SGPs mentioned data-driven strategies and the integration of specific technological solutions like APIs, which suggests a significant and growing focus on this area (24 percent of Initiatives/Impact Platforms/ SGPs).
These strategic recommendations are not merely reactive adjustments but are part of a broader vision to ensure that CGIAR remains a thought leader in agricultural research, capable of delivering solutions that are both innovative and impactful in different contexts. By systematically and periodically incorporating feedback from various stakeholders and adjusting strategies accordingly, CGIAR is seeking to improve its internal processes to remain agile and effective in the face of complex global challenges such as climate change.
Key adaptive management recommendations
Addressing funding limitations
Revision of scope and intensification of fundraising efforts
Funding constraints continue to pose significant challenges across CGIAR’s Research Initiatives, necessitating a revision in scope and an increase in fundraising efforts. The Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia Initiative, for example, has streamlined its research focus, particularly impacting Work Packages on food waste and behavior change communications. This strategic adjustment has been complemented by enhanced partnership efforts with government bodies to ensure sustained impact despite reduced financial inputs.
Similarly, the Fruits and Vegetables Initiative has faced reductions in funding, leading to a proportional decrease in activities across several countries, including Benin. The Initiative's leadership is actively engaging in new fundraising activities, showcasing a proactive approach to maintaining research momentum and quality.
Enhancing partnerships and stakeholder engagement
Strengthening collaborative networks for impactful research
Effective stakeholder engagement and partnership management are vital for achieving the goals of CGIAR Initiatives. The NEXUS Gains Initiative has prioritized enhancing stakeholder relationships, especially through river basin teams, to ensure better alignment between Work Package outputs and Initiative outcomes. This focus is crucial for fostering ownership and commitment among stakeholders, thereby enhancing the transition from outputs to outcomes. The Ukama Ustawi Initiative, emphasizing partnership management, is reallocating budget and targets among key partners such as the International Potato Center (CIP), WorldFish, and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) to better serve expanded objectives. Additionally, the Seed Equal Initiative is bolstering its public policy work to enhance engagement with national and regional actors, introducing Key Account Managers to maintain and strengthen strategic relationships.
Leveraging technology for advanced data management
Integrated systems and real-time data for strategic decision-making
The Accelerated Breeding Initiative has effectively integrated advanced data management systems and APIs, such as the collaboration between the Breeding Portal and Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP). This technological synergy facilitates real-time data exchange and strategic decision-making, significantly enhancing the efficiency and impact of breeding strategies aligned with market needs.
Building capacities for sustained impact
Focused training and resource optimization
Capacity-building across teams, partners and locally among constituents remains a core focus for CGIAR Initiatives to ensure sustainable and impactful research outputs. The SGP AVISA, for example, is enhancing the capabilities of NARS and junior scientists through targeted training programs, while the RTB Breeding has strengthened capacity through formalized CGIAR-NARS agreements.
Revising and coordinating research practice
Streamlining research approaches for efficiency
Continuous improvement of research methodologies is crucial for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of CGIAR Initiatives. AVISA’s structured approach to revising breeding strategies and the Low-Emission Food Systems Initiative's efforts to enhance coordination exemplify the ongoing commitment to operational excellence and strategic alignment are examples of this.
Scaling and replicating successful models
Establishing mechanisms to scale and accelerate mature innovations
The establishment of a Scaling Fund by the Ukama Ustawi Initiative demonstrates a strategic approach to enhancing the dissemination and adoption of agricultural innovations in East and Southern Africa. Due to the success of the Fund, it will use the continued support and funding from the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to ensure stable and sustained scaling activities through similar mechanisms.
Enhancing internal and external communication
CGIAR Initiatives are placing a growing emphasis on enhancing external communication strategies to engage stakeholders effectively and broaden the dissemination of research findings. By actively improving communication approaches and leveraging digital platforms and media, Initiatives can extend their reach and impact, thereby facilitating better stakeholder engagement and enhance the visibility of research impacts. Teams further recommend strengthening internal communication and coordination between Work Packages and countries to ensure efforts are better aligned, streamlined and coordinated.
Crosscutting strategic enhancements
Gender-focus and monitoring for impactful engagement
A stronger focus on incorporating gender perspectives into research underscores CGIAR’s commitment to ensuring that research outcomes are inclusive and equitable. This strategic enhancement is pivotal in fostering more comprehensive agricultural development, with ongoing efforts to integrate responsible and gender-focused strategies and assess their impact on the inclusivity of agricultural innovations.
Alongside these efforts, CGIAR has recognized the crucial role of rigorous monitoring and evaluation from the onset of projects. Streamlined monitoring and evaluation practices are being embedded within Initiatives to enable accurate tracking of progress and outcomes, supporting evidence-based adjustments and strategic decision-making in and beyond Initiatives.
Evolving adaptive management recommendations from 2022 to 2023
The evolution from 2022 to 2023 in CGIAR’s recommendations produced through its Reflect process showcases an organization in active response to its external environment while also striving for internal improvements. The shift towards more dynamic and integrated approaches in managing partnerships, financial constraints, and technological integration highlights CGIAR’s adaptive capacity to optimize its impact on global agricultural research and development despite ongoing challenges.
- Focus on funding constraints or shifts: Both years underscore the need for adaptive financial management in response to funding constraints. The emphasis on adjusting the scope of projects and seeking alternative funding to sustain research activities remains consistent. This continuous challenge highlights a critical aspect of CGIAR’s operational environment that necessitates ongoing strategic financial planning.
- Enhancing stakeholder engagement: Enhancing stakeholder engagement has been a continued priority, recognizing the importance of partnerships in achieving and scaling impact. Both years feature Initiatives striving to further and continuously improve their partnerships and relationships to ensure the effective implementation and broader impact of research outputs.
- Technological integration for efficiency: The integration of advanced data management and decision-making tools has consistently been a part of the strategy to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness. The use of technology to streamline processes and improve data-driven decision-making underlines an ongoing commitment to embracing technological innovation across CGIAR.
Evolving priorities
- Strategic adjustments and scope: In 2022, the focus was more on revising the scope of work due to budget cuts and reassessing theories of change, with several Initiatives explicitly mentioning the need to scale down or prioritize certain areas of their work. While these strategies are still mentioned in 2023, there is significantly greater emphasis on finding alternative funding streams and enhancing existing projects.
- Emphasis on capacity building: In 2023, stronger emphasis was placed on building local capacities through training programs and collaborations. This focus is aimed at ensuring that research methodologies and sustainable agricultural practices are aligned with the needs and realities of target populations.
- Gender and cross-Initiative collaboration: In 2023, Initiatives, SGPs and Impact Platforms highlighted a more pronounced focus on gender integration and fostering cross-Initiative collaborations to leverage synergies and enhance overall research outcomes. This approach reflects a strategic evolution toward more integrated and inclusive research practices, which may signal the benefits of the ongoing One CGIAR transition efforts.
Read about the methodology used to develop the section on adaptive management here.