2023 CGIAR Annual

In 2023, CGIAR and its valued partners around the world continued to pioneer and deliver solutions addressing the most urgent challenges, while partnering to deliver and scale impact.”

Leaders' Message

Advancing Nutrition, Health, and Food Security

CGIAR Executive Managing Director Ismahane Elouafi and CGIAR System Board Chair Lindiwe Majele Sibanda highlight 2023 key achievements, and preview the report’s theme of nutrition, health, and food security.

Portfolio & Results

Our 2023 Annual Report highlights the significant strides made by CGIAR in our ongoing mission to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis. This year’s report theme focuses on a critical aspect central to our goals: nutrition, health, and food security. Please explore our results across our three Science Groups (and their 32 Research Initiatives), Regional Integrated Initiatives, our coordinating Impact Areas, and our Research Centers.

Key results stories

Center Success Stories

Impact Areas

In collaboration with around 3,000 partners, CGIAR advances the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by targeting five key Impact Areas. Each Impact Area Platform focuses on research and innovation aimed at achieving significant, enduring, and scalable impacts.

Our Impact in Numbers

Slide for more impacts



2.1 million people

Over 2.1 million people in 2023 used CGIAR innovations to support nutrition, health, and food security. 


1,786 partners

We worked with 1,786 partners to combat hunger and malnutrition, and improve well-being. 


2,942 results

Our research produced 2,942 results contributing to better health, and enhanced food and nutrition security. 


464 innovations

We produced 464 innovations to support health and combat hunger. 



22.4 million people

More than 22.4 million people used CGIAR innovations to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This included more than 1.3 million and 1.8 million men. 


1,887 partners

Up to 1,887 partners were engaged on climate-focused results at the ground level. 


4,505 results

Our scientists produced more than 4,505 results that contributed to SDG 13 on Climate Action, including publications, analyses and methods. 


548 climate solutions

At least 548 field-ready climate solutions were shared to help smallholders adapt to climate change and reduce emissions from agriculture. 



1.2 million people

Over 1.2 million people used CGIAR innovations to improve environmental health and biodiversity. 


1,813 partners

A total of 1,813 partners worked with us on supporting conservation of biodiversity and a healthy environment. 


2,460 results

Our researchers produced 2,460 results contributing to SDGs 14 and 15 on life below water, and life on land.


504 new innovations

Our researchers produced around 504 new innovations to support environmental health and biodiversity worldwide.



16 million people

More than 16 million people used CGIAR innovations to support gender equality, youth, and social inclusion. 


1,594 partners

Up to 1,594 partners were engaged with efforts for equality and inclusion on the ground. 


1,028 results

As many as 1028 results were recorded that contributed to SDG 10 on reduced inequalities. 


413 innovations

Research produced around 413 innovations supporting greater equality between men and women, and inclusion of youth and other minorities in food systems. 



21 million people

Over 21 million people used CGIAR innovations to support poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs.


1,821 partners

As many as 1,821 partners worked with us on transforming food systems to provide better jobs, income, and stable livelihoods. 


4,767 results

We recorded up to 4,767 results that contributed to SDG 1 on ending poverty in all its forms. 


394 innovations

Our research produced 394 innovations to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods. 

Regions & Partnerships

With around 3,000 partners, collaboration is essential to CGIAR’s approach. We work with small-scale farmers and associations, national universities and governments, global networks, and more. CGIAR engages across six key regions, aligning its strengths with regional needs. Please also explore an expanded focus on two key countries: Ghana and Guatemala.



Countries Focus

Digital Transformation

CGIAR integrates cutting-edge digital solutions into our scientific innovations. And we use digital technologies to enable our business units and research programs. In 2023, we made substantial advances in deploying digital solutions that will help us tackle global challenges.

Events & Awards

Explore a selection of CGIAR Centers and researchers awarded for their outstanding work, along with highlights from our key global event participation in 2023.

Our Operations

Our operations teams are committed to ensuring CGIAR is a value-driven, high-performing organization. In 2023, CGIAR made progress ensuring we are an inclusive and enabling organization, a transparent financial manager, and an effective manager of digital and data assets.

Oversight & Assurance

CGIAR’s Advisory Services, Internal Audit, and Ethics & Business Conduct teams are crucial in ensuring that best practices are maintained within our organization and in our external collaborations.

Protecting and promoting traditional foods one woman at a time

Women and food-centric interventions through the NATURE+ Initiative aim to increase the resilience of rural women.

This years’ International Day of Rural Women puts a spotlight on, “Rural Women Cultivating Good Food for All.” The CGIAR Initiative on Nature-Positive Solutions (NATURE+) aims to re-imagine, co-create and implement nature-positive, solutions-based agri-food systems that equitably support food and livelihoods while ensuring that agriculture is a net positive contributor to biodiversity and nature. The focus geographies of NATURE+ India are largely tribal-dominated rural areas, where men mostly migrate to cities for work and women are left behind to single-handedly cater to the needs of home, children, cattle, and farms. Largely overworked and undernourished, these women are perpetually weak and anemic even when they are themselves “the custodians” of traditional nutritional practices. To fill this gap and make rural women more self-reliant, NATURE+ India has partnered with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the BAIF Development Research Foundation (BAIF) for research-based and field-based interventions respectively.

Reviving traditional food practices: Rural women to the fore

Products and byproducts from Mahva plant.


To revive the importance of native varieties of food grains, fruits, vegetables and wild edibles in the target sites, NATURE in partnership with BAIF recently organized three wild food festivals. The goal of these events was to promote knowledge of traditional rural and tribal culinary practices, food diversity and emphasize the importance of wild foods along with their nutraceutical and therapeutic properties. The events were held in the Akole, Igatpuri, and Shahada sub-clusters in the state of Maharashtra on August 22, 25, and 26, 2023. The festival saw participation of local tribal and rural women, experts, government representatives, students, and enthusiasts who shared their knowledge and experiences with wild edibles.

The Igatpuri cluster had the participation of 15 self-help groups (SHGs) and 179 farmers, representatives from the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and Zonal Agricultural Research Station, as well as agriculture officers. Similarly, Shahada had the participation of 35 SHGs and more than 129 participants, representatives from the agriculture department, and local government bodies.

School children educated to adapt traditional foods.


The women are also receiving support to organize exhibitions and demonstrations within local schools. Such interventions highlight the significant role of rural women in protecting biodiversity and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, highlighting the profound connection between dietary choices, cultural practices, and the natural environment. This has led to their demand for setting up methods for non-timber forest products for oil and alcohol extraction from Mahva (Madhuca longifolia) to increase their self-reliance. NATURE+ is also training women in nursery raising activities and implementing plantation projects within kitchen gardens.

Building self-reliance

Previously, women were the last on the food and nutrition table due to limited nutrient supply and diversity. However, interventions like wild food festivals, kitchen gardens as well as documentation of traditional food systems through a knowledge sharing platform will not only ensure their nutrient sufficiency but also acknowledge their leadership in fostering nutritional diversity. “Women should be involved actively across water dialogues and decision-making at all levels; thus, all these interventions are being planned and executed with rural women at their core,” says Alok Sikka, Country Representative, IWMI India.

IWMI is undertaking several other interventions that will enhance the resilience and self-reliance of rural women. Women farmers interested in agri-residue based entrepreneurship will be supported to start their own ventures by connecting them to the Circular Bioeconomy Innovation Hub, India. It will provide them with technical and financial support in terms of knowledge, handholding and also initial seed funding. It will provide them exposure to national and international experts who along with our other partners will guide them to become self-reliant and utilize their time and resources to achieve the best possible outputs. Women, as “custodians” of traditional knowledge, will be encouraged to take up traditional crafts (agri-residue based) and build profitable businesses around it. This will include a range of value-added products like compost, briquettes, biochar and traditional biogas plants.

A changing mindset

The theme for this year’s International Day of Rural Women—“Rural Women Cultivating Good Food for All”—is not just a philosophical statement. Nature+ foregrounds the significant role played by rural women in protecting and promoting traditional foods, a reflection of the changing mindset towards rural women and their importance in the social order.

Read the original from IWMI